Earthquake Shaking Potential for California
D. Branum, S. Harmsen, E. Kalkan, M. Petersen and C. Wills
This map shows the expected relative intensity of ground shaking and damage in California from anticipated future earthquakes. The shaking potential is calculated as the level of ground motion that has a 2% chance of being exceeded in 50 years, which is the same as the level of ground-shaking with about a 2500 year average repeat time. Although the greatest hazard is in areas of highest intensity as shown on the map, no region is immune from potential earthquake damage. Expected earthquake damage in California in the next 10 years exceed $30 billion.
Earthquake shaking potential is calculated considering historic earthquakes, slip rates on major faults and deformation throughout the region and the potential for amplification of seismic waves by near-surface geologic materials. The complete analysis is called a Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis. The resulting earthquake shaking potential is used in developing building code design values, estimating future earthquake losses and prioritizing earthquake retrofit