es el momento de despertar del sueño auto inducido en el que nos hemos dejado caer, es hora de ver las cosas como son, la verdad detrás de la verdad, el engaño mas grande, la oscuridad profunda en la que esta sumida la Humanidad, es tiempo de ver las cosas y caer en cuenta de que este mundo es Nuestro mundo tambien, es hora de ver que HAY MAS DIOS DENTRO DE CADA UNO DE NOSOTROS, que dentro de los catalogos de productos ofrecidos por las religiones, que HAY MAS CONOCIMIENTO que manejan solo los dueños de este mundo que lo usan en su propio beneficio y ademas no nos dejan ver!!! "Ay de ustedes maestros de la ley que tienen las llaves del reino y ni entran ustedes ni dejan que otros entren en él"

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jueves, 3 de enero de 2013

Is not about changes we see, is more about what we don´t see.

Near-Earth Asteroid 2012 DA14 on February 15, 2013

Discovered by the LaSagra observatory in southern Spain, the small asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass within about 3.5 Earth radii of the Earth's surface on February 15, 2013. Although its size is not well determined, this near-Earth asteroid is thought to be about 45 meters in diameter. Asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass inside the geosynchronous satellite ring, located about 35,800 km above the equator. Its orbit about the sun can bring it no closer to the Earth's surface than 3.2 Earth radii on February 15, 2013. On this date, the asteroid will travel rapidly from the southern evening sky into the northern morning sky with its closest Earth approach occurring about 19:26 UTC when it will achieve a magnitude of less than seven, which is somewhat fainter than naked eye visibility. About 4 minutes after its Earth close approach, there is a good chance it will pass into the Earth's shadow for about 18 minutes or so before reappearing from the eclipse. When traveling rapidly into the northern morning sky, 2012 DA14 will quickly fade in brightness
some news.



Daily Mail

TOKIO MEGA TERRREMOTO (tokio mega-quake prediction)